Writing a comment policy is not like writing a privacy policy content. It doesn’t have to be official and not every site needs one.
The main purpose of the comment policy is to let your readers know what are the things that they can do in your comment area and specifically what they shouldn’t do.
For instance, I hate people coming in just to say thank you without reading the article and I will state it clearly in my comment policy that such comments will not make through the approval.

Here is the format that I would do to my Comment Policy:
- Short introduction. Nothing fancy here. Just to let them know that they are reading the comment policy and that is all they need to know.
- Emphasize the type of comment that you are expecting. Let your readers know what are your expectation and what they should do in commenting.
- Mention the DON’Ts in commenting. This section is important because you need to let them know that if they do any of these actions mentioned, you will totally delete them away without reading the comment. If your reader somehow contacted you about their comments not being approve due to these reasons, just refer them to your policy.
- Mention as well the benefit if you have any. I gave benefits to certain readers who do well in commenting and I control them using the CommentLuv Premium plugin. The benefit is not necessary if you don’t have anything to give as long as you keep producing good content and great traffic.
Once you had written and published your comment policy, the last thing that you want to do is to let your readers know about it.
You could write a blog post about it but few months down the the road, no one will be digging your archive just for your comment policy post.
There are also blogger who have their comment policy in place along with their navigation menu but I find that not so visible because those that see your comment policy might not be your commentator and your commentator might not realize you have a comment policy there.
As a result, I think the comment policy is best to be placed near the comment input area like what you see in this blog. This is the best place I personally think because your commentators who wanted to comment can clearly see that you have a comment policy in place.
Finally, you really need a comment policy if you want a quality comments on your blog and a guideline for yourself to moderate incoming comments.
Alan when you published a post on privacy policy I read that and made my blog`s privacy policy page.
And now it`s time for comment policy.
When I see some posts like this one, then I remember that oh! yes I need to make one for my blog too!
But again I leave behind because of my work.
But not this time I will make sure to do it this time.
Khaja moin recently posted..5 Proven Ways of Internal Linking to Increase Page Views
Saw your privacy policy page published! Nice job there, Khaja.
Looking forward to your comment policy. Probably you could contribute some idea for me to improve mine in some way.
Thanks for commenting here.
Interesting post.
I’m so new at blogging I’m not sure I want a comment policy.
I’m so happy anybody stops around I’d hate to scare them away.
At some point, once I get a few thousand unique visitors per day, I’m sure I’ll get picky and start tossing folks out who aren’t up to my high standards.
Until then, come one, come all, take your shoes off, make yourself at home.
Adam D. Oglesby recently posted..Abstinence Doesn’t Work: How Long Can You Wait?
So far, I can see that your blog is engaging there, Adam. Keep it up and the target or few thousands of visits per day will come soon. 😉
Comment policy are used for notify that what a visitors should do and what should not do.it make blog professional and good in the eyes of visitors.
Great attention showed by you.appreciate this.
Bhushan recently posted..University School Library Management Software Delhi Noida
Hi Alan,
I know what it feels when people just stop by the blog and don’t provide something useful. Having a comment policy can bring awareness among the new readers about what to comment and how to comment.
Also if one can make a pop up of the comment policy for new readers it may help to get more attention. Readers don’t bother to read such policies while commenting. It will give more direct exposure about what you want in your blog.
Aditya recently posted..Mobile Recharge Software India
Yeps Aditya.
That is why we need the comment policy.
Thank you for your comment.
Having a comment policy is important as to avoid short and irrelevant comments. It can also be like a guide to the readers as to what is expected of them when they are writing a comment. You made some really useful points there. Thanks for the share, Alan.
Thanks for your comment, Richa.
Comment policy is must,so that readers can know what you will and you will not allow in your blog. Through that, we can avoid spammers to each post..
Yeps Katherin, agree with you.
Thanks for commenting.
Seeing the accelerating number of spam comments these days, it is always good to follow a comment policy. By laying down the comment policy for the readers to read, and then comment, the hassle of considering loads of comments also get reduced. By reading the policy, the reader gets a fair idea whether he should comment or not.
Yeps Aayna. Comment Policy really help for comment moderation 😉
Hi Alan, maybe you can start another post regarding how to choose suitable free stock photos, such as the one you have here with label as FreeDigitalPhotos.
Tan recently posted..Matcha Green Tea